Search Results
John Novembre | Population Structure in Human Genetic Data: A Basic Introduction and some Challenges
John Novembre - Analysis and visualization of geographic structure in population genetic data
John Novembre: "Computational tools for understanding geographic structure in genetic..."
John Novembre "Methods to characterize geographic structure in genetic variation"
John Novembre: "Computational tools for understanding population structure [...]"
Population Descriptors for Legacy Genomic Data: Challenges and Future Directions - John Novembre
John Novembre - Methods for the analysis of population structure and admixture
Analyzing Genomic Data for Whole Populations: How AWS Enables Analysis of Large Cohorts
Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Squares
Challenges of a Genomicist Working in Population Studies
Xihong Lin-Statistical Analysis of Massive Genetic and Genomic Data
Iowa City Darwin Day speaker: John Novembre